Their grandparents' house was large with many open spaces, but the bedrooms
were small and cosy. They realized that, in the village, bedrooms were used, only
to sleep, not to burrow yourself in a laptop, cutting off the rest of the world and
family. Though outages in electricity supply were common, it did not cause
discomfort as the house was bright and airy and there were solar-powered lights
and fans. It was fun to wander around the village, watching people busy on farms,
rearing chicken, goats, cows and buffaloes, and even running small enterprises,
with amazing local ingenuity, using naturally available resources. Every afternoon
they would pluck fruits from their grandfather’s orchard, then venture into the
nearby mini forest, which was quite safe. The animals they encountered, brought
back memories of Panchatantra stories, which their grandmother had read to them
when they were young children. It was almost as if the Earth was speaking to them.